Töölön Hautaustoimisto

Mechelininkatu 32
00260 Helsinki

09 628 398

How To Send A Secure Message

How to send a secure message to a Turvaposti user Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.:

Go to the website https://www.turvaposti.fi.
Type recipient's email address into the field “Send a secure message to a recipient” Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen. and click "Send".
Alternatively, you can attach this link to your browser: https://www.turvaposti.fi/message/Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen. 

Type your own e-mail address in the uppermost field. A delivery confirmation request will be sent to this address to verity your identity. Type the subject, message and include attachment(s).
You can accept the suggested random password or replace it and enter your own password. Notify the recipient about the password by a text message or by telephone. Click “Send”.
You will receive a confirmation request from the Turvaposti server to your e-mail address, and you’ll have to confirm it by clicking a link in the message. The message will not be sent to the recipient until you have clicked the confirmation!


Mechelininkatu 32
00260 Helsinki

09-628 398

Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.

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